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Citrus Cold Drinks


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  • What is kombucha?
    Kombucha is a fermented tea made by placing probiotic Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY) in brewed sweetened tea for a period. The SCOBY takes fuel provided from the sugar and nutrients; overtime the tea becomes sweet, tart, and somewhat fizzy.
  • What is a SCOBY?
    Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY) is what makes kombucha a live, healthy, and fizzy drink. SCOBY is a light mass of slimy cellulose—known as biofilm or “living skin”—that physically hosts bacteria, yeast, and additional culture. The SCOBY grows as it ferments, creating a rich probiotic source. And yes—the slimey SCOBY is edible!
  • What health benefits does kombucha offer?
    There are easily 8 evidence-based health benefits from consuming kombucha regularly; a quick summary provided through provides potential benefits that are supported from scientific studies. These benefits are in consideration of the individual’s needs in question, and the consumption amount. A quick and immediate list of well-known benefits include: Gut health; toxins from an unbalanced gut are flushed from regular consumption of the kombucha’s probiotics. Some alleviation of inflammation; kombucha contains antiinflammatory ingredients found in tea. This improves digestive function and may help individuals with irritable bowel syndrome. (IRS) May reduce risk of heart disease; kombucha helps reduce cholesterol levels alongside typical preventative methods, such as maintaining a proper exercise and diet regime. May reduce the risk of cancer; studies show the kombucha’s probiotic nature fights the growth of cancer cells. In 2013, kombucha was identified to decrease the survival of cancer cells. Good kombucha will have minimal sugar presented. Of course, additional health benefits have been identified by kombucha lovers around the world.
  • Is kombucha an alcoholic drink?
    No. Kombucha tea that is brewed and stored properly will not classify nor become an alcholic beverage. Legal classification within the United States of America defines an alcoholic beverage to contain a minimum of .5% alcohol. That's half the amount of one whole percent. Our kombucha tea contains less alcohol than the minimal .5%; there is just enough to feed and ferment the culture present for the health benefits. Our kombucha is not classified as an alcoholic beverage.
  • How do I store kombucha?
    Always store kombucha in a refrigerator; storing the tea in a refrigerator is critical to prevent it from further fermenting once bottled. When kombucha is stored in a controlled environment, such as a refrigerator, the fermentation will stop. When properly brewed, kombucha tea is not an alcoholic drink. However, improperly storing kombucha will cause it to ferment further and raise the alcohol percentage.
  • Is kombucha caffinated?
    Kombucha does contains small amounts of caffeine. An 8 oz glass of kombucha contains 1-12 mg of caffeine, while the average cup of coffee contains 72-186 mg of caffeine. That's a lot! Unlike coffee, kombucha also contains an amino acid by the name of L-Theanine; this amino acid is calming and helps while relaxing your body. You won't experience a caffeine crash when drinking kombucha!
  • Is kombucha sugary?
    Lapp It Up! Kombucha Tea is fermented between 14-21 days. This results in a low-sugar kombucha. We use minimal amount of sugar while brewing; providing the necessary fuel for the culture to grow while make yummier kombucha. An 8 oz serving of our kombucha contains 2-4 grams of residual sugar. Keep in mind, however, the fermentation process breaks sugar down from sucrose into more digestible fructose and glucose. This means the remaining sugars in our kombucha will have a lower glycemic impact on your body than regular sugar.
  • Can diabetics drink kombucha?
    Most diabetics can generally drink kombucha without spiking their blood sugar levels. As stated earlier, we use minimal sugar to brew our kombucha. Of course, you should always check with your doctor first before making any dietary changes. If you’re diabetic, consider slowly introducing your body to the kombucha. Try drinking a small amount with a meal or a source of protein first. Refrain from guzzling a whole bottle in a single sitting until it’s identified how your body reacts to the kombucha. Watch how your body reacts and drink accordingly based on individual judgement and/or professional medical advisement.
  • Advisement: Pregnancy and Lactation
    Please check with your doctor and/or midwife before consuming kombucha in question of the safety of both you and your child. If professional advisement deems kombucha safe for your consumption while pregnant or nursing, please use discretion. It may not be the best time to start, but if you all already drinking kombucha, it's probably fine to continue doing so. Please check with your doctor or midwife first if you have a question about the safety of kombucha for you or your child.

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